Gap Analysis
Get a detailed assessment showing your organisation’s current GDPR compliance position, and a remediation plan to address the gaps and risks.
Data Mapping
Get an inventory of the personal data held and shared by your organisation, and a data flow map of your processes.
Project Management
Get support adapting your existing data protection programme to the GDPR. This includes
Get support for keeping your business compliant with the GDPR. Remember, the GDPR is a journey, not a tick box exercise.
Our GDPR Consultancy services provide help with all aspects of the GDPR.
In the shape of advice/guidance & support in - Gap Analysis, Data Mapping,
Project Management and/or Audits.
Expert Advice
Expert support providing you and your business the most up-to-date and appropriate advice for your situation.
Missing Documents Done For You
All mandatory EU GDPR related policies and procedures will be created for you. All documentation is created to ICO standards.
Reduce Overwhelm
Reduce overwhelm, provide clarity and the next steps for your business.
Cardio training program
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Reduce Your Risk
Reduce your business risk against non-compliance, and thus avoiding penalties from the Supervisory Authority, and an legal action from Data Subjects, which has no financial ceiling.
And Much More
We could tell you that Clients are finding that Platinum package is paying for itself as we're typically finding redundant system applications and storage solutions which have unknowingly been burning finances.